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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 6, 2013 5:00am-6:00am PST

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message. stayed at a foster home and was reported missing around 5:44 p p.m. >> she was as tall as some of the boys. she was just a great, sporty girl. she loved everything. she used to sit on the big rock, do her homework and things. >> i want to show you the photo. the search continued late thursday night. then friday. police and fairfield police expected to hold a press conference later this afternoon. friday at 6:30 p.m. reporting live in fairfield, christine smith, "today in the bay." >> police looking for a man who tried to grab an 11-year-old
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girl. they say a man attempted to grab the girl as she road past him. that girl telling police she was on emerson street when the man tried to grab her by the arm. fortunately she was able to get ho safely. >> a funeral service for the deputy killed in an off duty accident will be held today. members of the department gathered to say good-bye to deputy myrtle. he died when a car drove into the lane he was riding in. this morning funeral services at 11:00. >> the impact of the recent connecticut school shooting is being felt in the bay area. police on the peninsula using new tactics to improve security on school campuses. bob riddell has details on what schools and police are trying to
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do to keep students safe now. good morning. >> good morning to you. the redwood city police department announcing it is now working hand in hand with the school district to make campuses on the peninsula safer and better prepared if a shooter works to attack. as part of the plan, police are now encouraging the patrol officers to essentially adopt an elementary school asking officers to visit the elementary school in their zone on a daily basis so they can become familiar with teachers and students and lay out of the campus. they want to review security procedures to make sure the campus is best prepared at keeping a gunman from entering school grounds. it is the only campus with a full time officer. the middle schools have part timerses. educators like teachers, staff, administrators will be educated how to handle an active shooter situation. the schools are formulating a more comprehensive emergency response plan.
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in august or september, the police and the district plan to conduct a full scale drill on campus. it would be similar in nature to this one held in modesto. the exercise would simulate a shooter attack allowing teachers to practice procedures while training police on how to respond in terms of protecting children and taking down the shooter. that's scheduled for the fall. the district will hold a forum on school safety scheduled for next week on february 11. reporting live in brentwood city, bob riddell, "today in the bay." >> boy scouts are on edge awaiting a decision as to whether or not gay teens can join the association. there is a new policy to allow local troops to decide for themselves. marla has a look at the local connection to the debate. good morning.
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>> good morning. >> that's where the boy scouts of america is head quartered and where the board will meet today to make this decision. for months we have been following the plight of ryan anderson, a high school senior. been in the boy scouts since he was 6. he was denied the rank of eagle skoult though he completed the requirements, simply because he's gay. he's received overwhelming encouragement from ellen degeneres who invited him to the show. ryan's dad says he feels good. >> i think it brought it home to prents who saw their children in potentially the same position. it was amazing how fast we gathered signatures. there is almost 500,000 signatures there as of today.
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>> 470,000 signatures already. in a statement last week the boy scouts said the switch would allow parents and members to, quote, choose a local unit which best fits the needs of their families, end quote. if, in fact, the organization votes to change the policy, the anderson family says it would be a baby step in the right direction. the boy scouts meeting is closed door. it is expected to draw supporters outside his its headquarters in texas. >> it is 5:06 now. christina lauren steps in to talk about the wednesday forecast. she told us we are a day closer to the weekend. >> and the rain. >> you know, we are going to get good sleeping in weather. look forward to it. not today. temperatures are pretty chilly out there as you make your way out the front door headed to another work day. it won't be bad.
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we'll see the numbers in the upper 30s climb into the low 60s. i can tell you the air quality dramatically improved overnight. we are doing better in that department. hour by hour forecast tells the story. temperatures mostly in the mid to upper 50s. that means at noon we'll be as warm as we were in the heat of the day yesterday. between 3:00 and 4:00, hitting highs in the low 60s. plenty of low 60s in the south bay. 59 on the east shore in fremont. 62 degrees in santa rosa. changes just hours away now. showers moving in. we'll time out the system to your doorstep in the next report. want to check on the drive building as we seek speak. hey, mike. >> it's 5 a:08. a slow build now and a wednesday. we should see less traffic than yesterday based on the grand scheme of things. in the same area, we'll show you traffic flows at 101. not a problem. we have 84, the dunbar ton
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bridge eastbound. watch the road crew there. no surprises. you lose a couple of lanes. we are looking at south 101 into mountain view and south 85 with road crews there as well. no major slowing. you see it traditional at this time. 101 down to 280 as far as highway 85 goes in the southbound direction. more construction in san jose and fremont. the live look ends with 880 past tesla. a smooth flou. back to you. >> it's 5:08. the disturbing trend bosses are noticing at the office and why it could put you out of a job. >> plus, a facebook settlement. nasdaq settling the botched facebook trade. we'll look at it coming up in business news.
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you're watching "today in the bay." >> welcome back, everyone. look at that. very cool shot of the moon this morning. >> impressive. >> it's beautiful. i love to see pictures of it.
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isn't it neat? very cool. >> high def looks good on the moon. >> cyber loafing could be taking over at your work place. the average employee spends between 60 and 80% of his or her time on the internet at work doing things that have nothing to do with their jobs. the new trend is called cyber loafing. we looked it up. the study shows the difference between how younger and older employees use the internet at work. older people manage finances while younger adults use social media like facebook and twitter. >> a separate study says people take long breaks from facebook. scott, that has serious implications for the menlow park company. >> if you're not using facebook you're not paying attention to the ads. a majority of facebook users take what it terms a vacation from the site, not visiting for
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several weeks. we got data on how many american adults are on facebook as well. pugh says it's 67%. the nasdaq exchange -- over the botched ipo for facebook by paying a $5 million fine for 1% of the deal's value. nasdaq offered 62 million, the to some of the financial firms. >> we saw a recovery from most of monday's losses. the dow just shy.
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nasdaq having its second best day of the year. we don't have major economic data on tap. time warner earnings were better than expected. care mark as well. visa and news corp. were on tap as well as all state. the dow rising to 13979. the nasdaq added 40 to 3171. one bit of breaking news, we'll hear later from the post master general about cuts to implement. the a.p. is reporting that they will trim saturday delivery of things like letters, magazines. however, they will continue to deliver packages. apparently that's one area of growth for the postal service. >> thank you. >> it's interesting. the packages have gotten to be more in the sense that the internet probably gave us e-mail, killed off the letter delivery but with with zappos and amazon you have to still get them to the door. >> ebay, people buying and selling. >> people get hooked on internet
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shopping. >> double click your way to happiness. >> christina loren is here to tell us about singing or dancing in the rain this week. >> yeah. i like your positive spin on things. it's going to rain. tomorrow morning, you will notice the soupy conditions developing through the evening. 5:14 now. thanks for waking up with us every weekday morning. the weather is always changing. i have something new to bring to the table. 39 degrees in sonoma. h 3 in san francisco. good morning, livermore. as we head through the afternoon, the temperatures will remain cool until noon to 1:00 p.m. then we'll transition into mild weather. much cooler than we had over the weekend. our dry sunny days are done as we head throughout tonight into tomorrow morning. rain is in the mix. enjoy what you can of the sunshine. 60 degrees in liverer many. 59 in fremont today. take you through the next few
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days. want to spend time on the 7-day outlook. as we head through thursday, mostly cloudy conditions. the bulk of the moisture comes through. tomorrow afternoon, friday morning, cold blast sets in. that means low snow levels on the way. potentially down to 1500 feet. the foothills could get a rare dusting. into friday, saturday and sunday it will be cool. the sun will be back in time for the weekend giants fanfest. on saturday our world champion giants back at home. most of the guys will be out there under abundant sunshine and 56 degrees in san francisco. let's check the drive. good morning, mike. >> good morning. a great drive now through the tri valley. all moving smoothly for the dublin interchange. opposite in the commute direction. we see slowing past greenville. i told you about a wooden pole reported in the lanes. there may have been a traffic
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break going there. the commute is kicking in. now just mild slowing. there is more activity between livermore and the altimont pass. closer to the bay bridge, an easy flow of traffic. construction getting away from bridge at eastbound 80. also southbound 880. both counter commute. still have road crews there and the freeways are open. a lane or two closed there. a live look at the east shore freeway. there you go. west 80 through berkeley under the university avenue over crossing. picking up a good amount of volume. we have the speed limit. 18 minutes to the bay bridge toll plaza. we'll track this and also the north bay getting a little company here. no problems or delays. all the way down through san rafal. we don't have any problems now as far as visibility goes. we'll end with a live look outside. traffic flowing down here. i will give you another live
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look coming up. >> thank you very much. it's 55:17. when you go to the hospital you might want to know how much it will cost before you see the doctor. here in california there is a low designed to do that. but the nbc bay area investigative unit discovered major flaws in how the law works. steven stock has a preview of what he found. >> we discovered california's health care payers bill of oh rights is a wildly inaccurate and broken system. one that makes it almost impossible for even a patient with insurance to really know how much they are going to pay before they go to the hospital. even though that was the intent of the bill of rights in the first place. doris swartz works in the medical field. she's a clinical psychologist and knows first hand the nightmare of trying to negotiate california's health care pricing system. >> this is first of all trying to find a specialist who does the procedure.
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>> ten years ago, doctors diagnosed her with with lymphedema which stems from hodgkin's lymphoma which she fought three decades ago. she needs surgery now that she has to pay for. that's why she's now trying to find the best value. >> we don't know where the cost will go. if there will be cost overruns. no one will quote us. >> reporter: those numbers are supposed to be easily found under the patient bill of rights. hospitals must post the cost of procedures online so anyone can shop and compare. it tracks how much hospitals charge for everything from gauze to medication to surgery. it also lists average estimates of how much an uninsured patient would pay for 25 different common procedures. using that data from california's office of health planning and development we compiled a list of prices for these procedures at 44 different medical centers in the bay area.
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we found wide variations in the prices. coming up tonight we'll break down the prices at bay area hospitals and show you just how wildly different some of the prices for the same medical procedures can be. we'll show you the most expensive and the least expensive prices for some common procedures and we'll get advice from the experts about what you can do to become a better health care consumer. that's all tonight at 11:00 on nbc bay area new. >> thank you, steven. >> 5:19 now. coming up, if you work in mountain view you will likely have a hard time getting there. details on what the city council decided last night. >> plus why jaws could find himself on the endangered species list. >> now a live look from sochi russia. that's right. the winter games one year away. mark your calendars. the opening ceremonies actually taking place a year from tomorrow. we'll keep the countdown going. we'll be right back. e
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nature at its most delicious.
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5:24 now. want to check the forecast with christina loren. enjoy today. the rain is coming tomorrow. >> during the morning rush we
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really want to make sure you are aware. good morning. temperatures now in the upper 30s and low 40s. much colder start than what we experienced at this time yesterday. you will notice the difference outside your front door. temperatures will be on the cool side. not bad p. in fact, at noon we'll reach highs in the heat of the day as warm as today at noon. then we hit the 60s. 60 degrees in livermore. 60 in santa teresa. 58 in oak town. changes around the corner. we'll have the cold front to your doorstep and let you know who may just get a dusting of rare bay area snow coming up. let's check your drive. good morning, mike. >> good morning. we'll jump to the maps. i want to point out the fire on neptune off marina boulevard. it's right over by the water. it's not presenting a problem as far as the commute goes.
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it is on neptune drive off the water. it will be a local issue as well. we are covering the fire and the report of the injuries as well. meanwhile a look at the bay as far as the san mateo bridge. a smooth drive westbound with lights over to the peninsula. 101 showing a typical flow as well as 280 as far as the time on a wednesday. it's only 5:25 now. another live look at the south bay. north 101. another 20 to 25 minutes we'll see the first burst coming through north of 680 on 101. we'll end it here. this is my fault. i didn't file another report. i took a break so you get a break. >> we never would have known. >> honest miechblgt. >> still to come, man accused of killing syria lamar heads to court this morning.
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>> and new video in the newsroom. a van catching on fire on an east bay freeway. all the details and pictures coming up. >> taking a clear look at the south bay this morning. waiting for the sun's arrival. more news ahead. it's 5:26.
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haunting video of a 13-year-old bay area girl just before she's found dead. the final photo police hoped would help catch a killer. >> plus, the man accused of killing an east bay community activist releaseded from jail. why police say they just can't hold him. >> we're going to see a mild, mostly sunny finish to the day. but our dry days are numbered. rain moves in as of tomorrow. we'll let you know where and when you need the umbrella. >> a countdown for the easy drive is up as well. i'll show you east bay slowing coming up. >> taking a live look outside. san francisco palace of fine arts right before where it says wednesday, february 6. this is "today in the bay."
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>> thank you very much for joining us. i'm john kelly. i'm laura garcia-cannon. new from overnight, traffic back to normal on interstate 880 after a van caught fire overnight. it happened near the west winton avenue exit in hayward. on the right hand side, the shoulder, you can see crews working to extinguish the fire. everyone in the van made it out safely. no word on the cause of the fire. >> this morning we are getting our first look at a teenager found dead at a fairfield park on friday morning. police releasing a new photo of the girl yesterday.
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>> reporter: a press conference expected this afternoon. they also want to hear from anyone who may have seen janel conway allen between thursday afternoon and when she was discovered here friday where friends and neighbors set up a memorial that keeps getting bigger. she was reporteded missing. then the grim discovery of her body in the park on fairfield on oh friday. also wanted a second video
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obtained for where the last picture was taken, neighbors have those concerns. >> police not saying if they know who she was talking to on her cell phone at the time. also on friday, a candlelight vigil is planned at alan wit park where we are friday evening at 6:30. reporting live in fairfield, christine smith, "today in the bay." >> three men are dead and a killer on the loose following a triple homicide in sonoma county. the body of three men were found inside a cabin on ross station road near iron horse vineyards yesterday. police say all three men were
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shot to death at a back bedroom of the home. officers won't release their identities or how they are related. they say it doesn't appear to be a murder-suicide. >> new this morning the pittsburgh man prosecutors say gunned down an east bay activist is out of jail this morning. a judge released gregory elarms tuesday on the condition he will appear at a future court date. he was facing murder charges for the shooting death of david lewis at the hillside shopping center back in 2010. a judge dismissed the murder charge in november ruling the san mateo police illegally forced a confession out of him. the district attorney's office has appealed this decision. >> a safety plan is now in place for dozens of schools on the peninsula following the deadly shooting rampage in newtown, connecticut. it's a comprehensive plan involving police officers, staff and students. bob r dirks dell joins us with a look at the plan. good morning.
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>> good morning. this is a corroboration between the redwood city school district and the police department here on the peninsula. the redwood city police department basically trying to make campuses here on the peninsula safer and better prepared in case an active shooter were to attack. as part of the plan police are encouraging the patrol officers to adopt their elementary school asking officers to visit the school in their patrol zone on a daily basis to become familiar with teachers and students and the layout of the campus. they will make sure to keep a gunman from entering school grounds. elementary, nothing to sign. in addition, educators would be trained. they will train in march and april how to handle the situation. the schools are looking at a
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comprehensive response plan to include police, fire, hospitals and other first responders. in august or september the police and district will conduct a full scale drill on one of the campuses. allowing teachers and students to practice their lockdown procedures while training police on how to respond tactfully in termses of protecting the children and taking down the shooter. the district will hold a forum on school safety. this is designed for parents and will take place next week, february 1 is 1. >> 5:35 now. new developments this morning in the murder case surrounding a millionaire. prosecuto prosecutors say dixon is a co-defendant. three men are now set to stand trial for the murder of robby
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kumra at his home last november. prosecutors say dixon ended up giving the men information that allowed them. also in court this morning the man accuse z of killing morgan hill teen sierra lamar. torres expected to attend a plea hearing in san jose currently charged with the kidnapping and murder of lamar which happened last march. her body still hasn't been found. garcia-tores being charged with car jacking and attempted kidnapping related to attacks in a safeway parking lot in morgan hill in 2009. >> 5:36. a deadly winter on california beaches is prompting the coast guard to boost safety awareness. sneaker waves have claimed the lives of at least two people so far on northern california beaches. the coast guard national park and california state parks will
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hold a conference in half moon bay to try to educate beach goers about the hazards. last week a woman was killed on a beach near eureka after a wave swept her and her dog out to sea. >> you have to p safe when dealing with mother nature. christina loren is here to tell us about rain on the way. >> 43 in san francisco. temperatures are going to be nice. however, it's cold out there to start. make sure you are ready for match patchy frost or fog. mild and mostly sunny conditions to finish off the day. as we head throughout the thursday, showers develop. yes, right when we get back here tomorrow. mike and i hope you will get through the rain to work on time. cold and overcast thursday. through early friday, low level
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of snowfall is certainly possible. seize the day before the rain comes in. 59 bay side at the coast. right around 58 degrees. wednesday you might be thinking about the weekend. we'll have the forecast and let you know what's to come in tahoe. superb conditions shaping up there as we head for the weekend. let's check on the drive. good morning, mike. >> good morning. not bad at the bay bridge toll plaza. if you are talking about volume of traffic we see a little bit of a build. we have the slowing from the pass. speeds where it's orange in the 50s. still slowing into livermore. we also will follow 580. down to the san mateo bridge. live look outside. shows you how things are shaping
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up. nuz well eel check that out in the next few minutes. >> thanks, mike. >> the time is 5:38. there are details from yesterday's deadly 8.0 earthquake that happened in the solomon islands. >> also, the boy scouts of america could make a big change today to open the door for gay troops. good morning. we'll have more on that and the local family with a vested interest in today's vote coming up. [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents are awesome.
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but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin.
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it is 5:40. welcome back. president obama taking on hot button issues when he meets with democrats to lay out the second term agenda. tracy pots is live on capitol hill with a look at some of the issues he'll work to tackle. good morning. >> hey, john. good morning, everyone. a democratic president meeting with democrats. what's the big deal, you may ask. well, on some of the t issues
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president obama wants to pursue he could see push-back from his party like medicare reform. something the democrats tried to protect. but republicans want to take a close look at the budget process. gun control. president obama pushed for an assault weapons ban, but democrats, even the democratic leader on the senate side said that's unlikely to happen. not really the political will to get it done now. so where do they need to focus? money. they've got to focus on the budget. at the end of this month we are looking at $85 billion worth of cuts automatically if congress does nothing. president obama's message, do something temporarily. we have seen it while you work on a permanent budget. republicans say it needs to include many more cuts. we'll talk about that and more as they deal with the issues. >> all right. thank you very much. >> 5:42.
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national leaders of the boy scouts of america expected to vote on whether openly gay members should be add a mitted to the organization. marla joins us. he's a high school senior. his family turned to where they posted a petition hoping to garner some support. the idea took off. almost 500,000 signatures and national attention including from ellen degeneres who invited ryan to the show recently. just months after the boy scouts reaffirmed the long standing ban on gay troops it's considering allowing a local unit which best fit it is need of families.
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like any controversial issue there is support and protest. >> it's about life skills and building character. it's not about sexual orientation and never has been. >> it's not hate or by got tri. it's a choice of how to raise children in christian values. if yours are different, great. >> here's something you may not have realized. almost 70% of boy scouts are linked to faith-based organizations. for example the church of jesus christ of latter day saints charters almost 40,000 boy scouts units worldwide. 45% are tied to civic groups like kiwanis or rotary clubs. today's decision comes down in irving texas where the boy scouts is head quartered. you can bet the family will be watching closely. >> thank you very much for the
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update. a 49er who made remarks is now apologizing. he turned to the trevor project for help. it helps lgbt youth through crisis. the staff can help understand exactly how hateful words lead to tragedy. >> a lot of the youth live with prejudice and hate. the impact that has. so we see it as an opportunity to educate. >> the trevor project will meet with culver, planning to do it in the coming weeks. a spokesperson for the 49ers says the team will reach out to lgbt troops as well. >> 5:45 now. we want to check the forecast again with christina loren. >> we have a good-looking day shaping up. top of the morning to you. >> it will be nice.
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we bring in the rain tomorrow. temperatures, want to let you know. much rooler than this time yesterday. 39 degrees in san jose. mid 40s yesterday, b for example. grab the coat and leave the umbrella home today. you will need it tomorrow. we want to time it out for you. as we get into 11:00 a.m. starting to see the first showers. you can see soupy conditions over the bay area. continue the future cast. keep letting it run until 5:00 a.m. we meet back here tomorrow morning right off the top. 11:00 a.m. it will take its time before reaching the south bay. nonetheless, want to be ready for the rain. bring in any outdoor item that could be ruined in the rain. it's our dry streak coming to a screeching halt. friday, snow levels down to 2,000 feet. we could get a mix down to about 1500 feet.
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it will be interesting on friday morning. we love a rare opportunity for bay area snow. through friday afternoon we stop at 2:00 p.m., mostly clear condition. the rain won't last long. the cold behind it certainly will. 60 degrees in livermore. 60 degrees in santa teresa. 7-day outlook tells the story. it will be cold here saturday into sunday. that deceptive sunshine. full on sunshine still bringing in the cold conditions. you don't have to worry about getting rained on for giants fanfest. a big giants fan. mike? >> there you go. i'm not as tall as people think. you should get a bigger tv. then i will be taller in your home. south bay, traffic flows nicely. typical construction here. this is 85 southbound. we still lose lanes. no surprises. this is an issue. we have construction. road crews, the off ramp in both directions off the northern 10 # 1 for capital expressway.
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the crews are clearing but the southbound side saw s&owing. there is a crash there. not related to construction. it's just a fender bender. it should be moving but the southbound side back to you. >> mike, thank you very much. we continue to follow breaking news out of san leandro. firefighters on the scene of a one oy left arm fire on neptune drooichlt that's one block away from the oyster bay regional shoreline. there are reports now. one person was injured. we do not know the extent of the
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injuries. we have a crew on the way to the scene now. we'll bring you the live pictures once they arrive. >> new the this morning the death toll is rising after a strong earthquake triggered two tsunamis across the south pacific. the quake struck near the eastern part of the solomon islands near the santa cruz islands. this photo is one of the only images of the aftermath in the remote area to be released so far. officials say the quake triggered two tsunamis, each wave five feet high. there are reports of water destroying villages and part of the island's airport. we have new video from fiji showing how people all over the south pacific tried to rush to high ground moments after the tsunami warning went out. at least five people are reported dead.
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tsunami warningses in the area have now been lifted. >> 5:49 now. this week marks one year until the winter games in sochi, russia. that city, of course, shifting into ready mode. >> they have to get ready. the black sea resort town is known for a mild climate and beautiful parks. as we take a live look crews are certainly busy, building venues and upgrading the infrastructure to deal with millions expected to visit the town for the games. there will be 12 new events this year including women's ski jump. nbc bay area is your place for the games. we'll tell you everything you need to know as sochi gets ready to welcome the world. >> i'm looking forward toyo it. fans of the "star wars" series soon getting more of their favorite characters. we'll have new movies in the works in addition to the next
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trilogy. >> and a naughty rating for a twitter app.
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new this morning the makers of monopoly unveiling the game's newest token. do you know the characters they have? it will be the cat. the cat will soon be told not to pass go or collect $200. it's been 60 years. i guess the "today" show is a big fan of the show. it's been 60 years since the game was introduced and had a new token. fans actually voted to choose the cat beating out the diamond ring, robot and a guitar. a lot of cat fans out there. the cat replace it is iron. the new version of monopoly will be sold coming up later this year just in time for christmas. >> the company is working on stand alone feature films based on characters created by george
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lucas. they will be released around the same time as episodes 7, 8, 9. no word on which characters will be featured at the film. when disney purchased lucas films they received the rights to the "star wars" franchise. >> the new twitter app. has a new nc-17 rating. >> shortly after the movie-making app came out people started record ing themselves naked. so the vine app will have a warning pop up as soon as you install it pointing out there may be adult content. there are a number of perfectly innocent apps that do that. no adult content here. jack dorsey using vine to send out pictures of himself as a child. we can see them on family vacation and what appears to be a graduation picture. i don't think it is coincidence such family friendly material was released by the founder of
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twitter at the same time his app got an adulterating. the nonpartisan congressional budget office warns if america continues on its current course our debt will take up 77% of our gdp p by the end of the decade. the cbo saying both sides will have to compromise. we need higher taxes and far fewer government services if we are to avoid that fate. 77% of gdp is outrageously high. it's about the same as israel is dealing with. israel has a patron in the united states. we accepted them money. nobody sends us foreign aid. it's not as bad as greece. 165% of gdp there. you can see how well that's working out. that's the bad news. the good news is the deficit is about half of what it was in 2009. deficit is the difference between what the government has and what it sapends. the deficit is only about $800 billion or $2500 for every single person in america.
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>> right. >> only. >> key word there. >> feels better to say only. 5:55. starting tomorrow we'll blame it on the rain. >> don't even think about washing your car. mother nature will put ta shine on naturally come tomorrow morning. this morning, we have chilly conditions out there. 39 degrees for instance in concord. 35 in santa rosa and 41 degrees in san mateo. headed to the 60s with sunshine this afternoon. 60 degrees inland and bay side. 59 degrees. at the coast, 58 degrees. your full forecast, the timing of the potent system on the way first we want to look at the drive. that's getting busy. good morning, mike. >> good morning. we are getting much more traffic flow on the san mateo bridge. the tail lights away from us are the commute direction. hayward to the peninsula side. there is increasing volume. we'll look at the maps. off 880 a smooth flow.
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off 238 both north and south 880 showed slowing in the last few minutes. that build is there. the yellow section headed off the castor valley. slowing continues to build through livermore, pleasanton, dublin. a live look outside shows you as well the east shore freeway starting to build. still in the upper 50s close to berkeley. back to you. >> mike, listen. you don't see this often in traffic reports. a runaway camel. rudy escaped not once but twice yesterday afternoon. both times hifs found on bailey road between north concord and pittsburgh. he's back in the cage and is said to be doing fine. >> stretch the long legs. still ahead, 5:57. governor brown responding to attempts by texas to steal california businesses. this is something we suggest you stick around to hear. ♪
5:56 am
5:57 am
i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! my bowl, my spoons! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios has whole grain and 110 delicious calories. ...more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios in multi-grain cheerios peanut butter.
5:58 am
she was just a great, sporty girl. she loved everything. >> one moment a little girl smiles for the camera. the next she's gone. this morning exclusive new video and what it might tell us about the disappearance and death of this young girl. >> plus a driver dangles to his death. the dramatic after math and the desperate rescue effort just ahead. >> villages destroyed as a quake strike it is south pacific. we have with photos ahead. >> good morning to you. temperatures today will be mild. sunny as well. >> the traffic packing it on for the incline at the bay bridge. a new incident for that area. we'll show you what's going on at the 238.
5:59 am
>> a countdown to the winter olympics is on as the construction continues. shs "today in the bay." >> from nbc bay area this is "today in the bay." >> right now firefighters are on the scene of a fire on neptune drive a block away from the oyster bay regional shoreline. one person has been injured in the fire, but it is unclear if the injury is major or minor. we'll have details when we get them. >> right now, continuing coverage of the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of a young girl in fairfield. this morning on nbc bay area the cell phone video of janel allen taken minutes before she was lastn


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